Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Photo Time - post crash hospital

I'm not too sure about putting these photo's up as it sits a little bit uneasily with me. I don't want to become a freak show or for people who didn't see me in hospital to have a fit after seeing them as I was pretty crook when a lot of them were taken. The worst photo's will never see the light of day so what you are seeing here is the M rated version or the before 8:30pm time slot images.

This was taken 9 days after the crash. There's some pretty series heavy metal happening, that coupled with the dark rings under my eyes had Tilly & Tom calling me 'The Goth'........................

This one was taken 14 days after. I had the full lower half compression gear on as a blood clot had moved from my hip area into my lungs and these were put on as a bit of preventative maintenance. I only just realised looking at it that the right hand side of my head is still quite swollen.

Sporting one of the greatest comb-over hair styles in triathlon, my winter weight loss regime got off to a solid start. Meggie was suitably impressed about my dedication to the cause !!

Unfortunately the rest of the family thought the comb-over was a joke and I was ordered to get a buzz cut. And as for the weight loss regime, that has been scrapped in favour of an off season high fat full taste diet !!

Finally, here I am enjoying myself in the water for once ! It's a great feeling actually getting in the water and having a splash around (physio). Being confined to a wheelchair is not a lot of fun. Even worse than the normal disabled obstacles that are thrown at you in your normal daily tasks is the feeling of sitting around when I know I can physically move about without much pain. But, I know these 2 months are absolutely critical in that any weight bearing on my leg can have huge ramifications down the track and will increase my chances of a hip replacement. Having done a bit of my physio with a fella in his late 40's who has had a hip replacement, this is definitely not an option that I want to explore. So as much as I hate it, the wheelchair is my friend.

Stay fit & well,


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